Building Tips

Here we will give you a few pointers on how to easily build our range of kits. It is divided into the different types of build we offer.

Recommended tools and equpiment

Before starting we recommend you get all the essentials. We recommend the following:

Good wood glue (we use the Gorilla Brand which we dispence into a small eye dropper bottle for a nice thin bead)

Spring clips

Masking tape

A sharp knife

Sanding blocks or sand paper

Flat products

Products such as doors etc just need to be glued and you can hold them in place with tape or clips but this is not usually necessary. Build them on a flat service.

Box based builds

The edges will fit snuggly together. Ensure all your pieces fit and then glue all edges and hold together tight with masking tape on the back of the structure. Start with either the left or right hand side piece, gluing to the base, then glue you back piece, followed by the other side.

For dioramas with only one side follow the above steps but you will not need to add the second side.


Our tunnel based kits are best built in stages. Build from the supporting struts and place a couple of sections in at a time. Add the clips and the decorations at the same time and allow each 2 sections to dry before turning the kit and doint the next stage. The floor and front should be added last.


Kits with stairs should be built in stages with the stairs built seperatley. Build the stairs in one go laying one side down, attaching the stairs and then add the other side. To attach the second side, add your glue to the edges of the steps and then starting at one end, locate the first lug into place, you will then need to manipulate each subsiquent step one at a time into place. Use masking tape if required. Let them dry fully before adding to the rest of the build.

Adding accesories

Accessories such as windows, door frames etc should be glued onto individual walls prior to assembly. Glue pieces and allow to fully dry before continuing.


If painting prior to assembly you may need to rub down some of the joints with a fine sandpaper as the paint will add and extra thickness. Please also see our painting techniques section for some tips and tricks.